1.1 The following general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") apply to orders for goods from the product range of the Call Systems Technology Systems Switzerland (hereafter CSTS) online shop (www.call-systems.ch) in the respective version valid at the time of the order.

1.2 Customer's contractual partner is Call Systems Technology Systems Switzerland Sàrl, 14, rue du Mont-Blanc, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland, Tel .: 076 399 3234, E-mail: info@call-systems.ch

1.3 The terms and conditions form an integral part of the contract concluded between CSTS and the customer. Terms deviating from the Terms and Conditions shall only be legally binding if accepted by CSTS expressly and in writing. Conflicting conditions of the customer are not recognized.

1.4 The product range in the CSTS online shop is exclusively aimed at persons and companies domiciled or having their domicile in Switzerland.


2.1 The customer can select goods from the product range of the CSTS on-line shop and collect them by clicking on the "add to cart" button in a so-called shopping cart.

2.2 By clicking on the button "Order & Pay" the customer makes a binding offer to purchase the goods in the shopping cart and has agreed to the validity of these terms and conditions.

2.3 The order confirmation automatically sent by e-mail documents that the customer's order has been received by CSTS but does not constitute acceptance of the customer's offer.

2.4 A contract comes off only by the declaration of acceptance of CST, which is sent with an e-mail (order confirmation) to the customer, but at the latest by the shipment of the ordered goods.


2.1 Once the order has been accepted and paid in full, the order process will begin and deliver time is normally 2 – 4 weeks.


3.1 All prices in the CSTS online shop are quoted in Swiss francs (CHF) and include VAT, the advanced recycling fee and copyright fees.

3.2 Shipping and any additional costs (eg surcharges according to the chosen means of payment) are shown separately and charged to the customer additionally.

3.4 The agreed price, shipping costs and any additional costs are due for payment immediately.  


4.1 The goods shall remain the property of CSTS until full payment of all claims arising from or in connection with the purchase made.


5.1 CSTS grants the customer a voluntary right of return within a period of 14 days from the first delivery or collection of the goods. The right of return is subject to the condition that the goods are undamaged.

5.2 To assert and process the right of return, the customer must proceed as follows:

In case of

a) Goods whose original packaging has been opened or damaged or no longer exists, the customer must contact the customer service of a Swiss media market;

In all cases, the return transport or the return is at the expense and risk of the customer.


6.1 For defects resulting from a material or manufacturing defect, CSTSe warrants to the customer during a warranty period of 2 years from the first delivery or collection of the goods. All information (product descriptions, illustrations, dimensions, weights, technical specifications, accessory relationships and other information) in the CSTS online shop are subject to the reservation of error and do not represent any assurance of any features. The client's obligation to inspect and notify is governed by the legal regulation. The assignment of warranty claims is excluded.

6.2 In the case of subsequent deliveries of equivalent defect-free replacement goods, the warranty period is again 2 years from notification of the readiness to collect the replacement goods to the customer. For repair (repair), a warranty period of 2 years from notification of readiness to pick up the repaired (repaired) goods to the customer, whereby CSTS in this case only guarantees executed repair work and used spare parts. The warranty claims of the customer with regard to the entire goods during the warranty period of 2 years from the first delivery or collection of the goods remain unaffected.


7.1 CSTS processes personal data of the customer in strict compliance with the applicable provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act.

7.2 CSTS collects, stores, uses and processes the personal data of the customer only in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations of CSTS.


8.1 Should one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions be ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

8.2 Applicable is exclusively substantive Swiss law. The application of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.

8.3 Except for disputes arising from consumer contracts, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all claims is the headquarters of CSTS in Geneva, Switzerland.